Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pork Ribs and Barbecue Sauce

Don't you hate it when you have plans to wrap up a 40 hour work-week by going out on a fun date with your husband but then the car breaks down...when it's 102 degrees outside?! I do! But at least it's a lot more interesting when it happens in Austin, even if living here does remind me of being trapped inside of a convection oven (not that that's happened to me...yet :).

So why is it more fun? Because getting stranded outside of a flower shop can be quite entertaining, especially when one of the locals decides to jump into the flower shop's dumpster and climb back out with a dozen red roses perfectly in tact for...who?! Before I could figure out who, the flower guy took off in his beat up but fully-functioning pickup truck filled with a variety of trash-to-treasure goods. (The saying here is Keep Austin Weird - we practice what we preach. :)

This is what happened on Friday evening. Thankfully, it happened when the hubby and I were together. We couldn't help but laugh at the abandoned-flower-arrangement rescuer and...our far from fully functioning VW Passat. (It might be a cute little car but it has plenty of annoying qualities.) With a busted alternator, our car helplessly sat there while we waited for the AAA tow truck to pick us up and take us home.

Because Jose's full of good ideas, he thought it'd be best to get ahold of a mobile mechanic. That way, we wouldn't have to spend a ridiculous amount of money and time at a dealership while missing work and losing even more money in the process. It was a great idea; the mechanic came to OUR house Saturday afternoon, and just a few hours later, our car was good as new! The other silver lining? Instead of going out Saturday, I had the chance to stay home and make the juicy ribs I'd been craving for a few weeks now. I also decided to go a step further and make the BBQ sauce myself! I made sure to spend some time 'studying' a few recipes beforehand, so I wouldn't come up with anything too crazy; the end result was inspired by this recipe.

Stuffing also sounded good; I tried remembering what my parents put in their stuffing, but I couldn't remember all of the ingredients, so I added a few of my own. Only thing came out a bit flat - sort of the way cookies taste when I forget to add the salt! Here are the components of the stuffing, or dressing :): Cornbread, bits of black forest bacon (and the drippings), cranberries, golden raisins, sweet onion, carrots, celery, savory, rosemary, sage, a pinch of butter, olive oil, and poultry seasoning. I know I could've added some chicken broth...but what else is missing? Salt? Next time, what can I do to take this recipe to a tastier level? I welcome any tips! I know I said that I'd be posting a 'Traveling the World One Plate at a Time' recipe at least once a week, but last week I went out of town and this week...well, I remembered that Texas is like another country (and we eat plenty of ribs here)! :) Is that a good enough excuse? ;)

Pork Ribs and Barbecue Sauce

A juicy cut of pork ribs smothered in sweet and ...

See Pork Ribs and Barbecue Sauce on Key Ingredient.


Elle said...

So sorry about your car, but glad it's fixed! The ribs look amazing...and the stuffing--seems like you covered almost everything, but I'll bet chicken broth really would brighten up the flavor. Looks delicious!

Honeyed Hashette said...

My hubby would love these. :)

grace said...

yep, that's quite an inopportune time to have car failure. glad you survived with your wits about you! the ribs looks yummy and properly messy. :)

Emily said...

What a disaster! Oh well.

102 degrees? Really? That makes me sick. It's getting pretty hot here too.

I love BBQ. This looks really good. It kind of looks like a pork steak. Maybe the pork steak comes from around the area that the ribs are. I don't know, doesn't matter.

Y said...

I crave a big plate of ribs every now and then. Something really satisfying about getting stuck in with fingers. Stuffing sounds pretty darn good too!

Vera said...

Ribs like yours and a lot of cold beer is my favorite summer food.

Anonymous said...

Ugh... car issues are always such a drag! Your ribs look very tempting.

Proud Italian Cook said...

Sophie, sorry that your date plans got ruined, you'll just have to try again, at least you had some laughs! I think your whole meal looks delicious, and the stuffing I would say just some chicken broth.

Dominique said...

Hah, I had no idea you were located in Austin. Cool! I go to St. Ed's :)